Senator Collins ‘No’ on Despicable DISCLOSE Act


From ABC News:

On a conference call with reporters today, Sen. Chuck Schumer said he’s “working very hard on getting a Republican” to support his version of the campaign-finance reform bill known as the Disclose Act.  He added that “there are a number of possibilities.”

But with the measure slated for a Senate vote tomorrow, he can cross Sen. Susan Collins of Maine off his list of potential supporters.   Collins said through a spokesman this afternoon that she will not support the bill in its current form.

The bill would provide a clear and unfair advantage to unions, while either shutting other organizations out of the election process or subjecting them to onerous reporting requirements that would not apply to unions,” Collins’ press secretary Kevin Kelley told ABC News.

“Senator Collins also believes that it is ironic that a bill aimed at curtailing special interests in the election process provides so many carve outs and exemptions that favor some grassroots organizations over others. This too is simply unfair.

As bad as Collins is on other issues, at least she showed an ounce of common sense.

Read more @ The Note.


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