Legal Alert: NLRB memo may affect your arbitration agreements


Legal Alert: NLRB memo may affect your arbitration agreements | Employee Benefit News
By Steven W. Suflas, Esq. and Isaac P. Hernandez, Esq., July 30, 2010

Employers should revisit and review the language of any arbitration agreements in light of a Guideline Memorandum (GC Memo) issued by Ronald Meisburg four days before stepping down from his post as general counsel for the National Labor Relations Board.

The GC Memo, issued June 16, 2010, regards the validity under the National Labor Relations Act of mandatory arbitration agreements that restrict the right of employees to pursue class action lawsuits against their employers.

The GC Memo provides a legal framework for determining whether such agreements unlawfully restrict the right of employees to engage in activities protected under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).

The GC Memo attempts to strike a balance between well-established yet competing policy interests. A quintessential element of federal labor law is the right of employees to engage in concerted activities for their mutual aid and protection.

Read the rest @ Employee Benefit News.


  1. I am really luckey to have worked at two professions I really loved. First I was a Heavy Equipment Operator. Scrapers, Loaders and Bulldozers. Non Union. There is no greater feeling than sitting on a D-8 Catapiller with a full blade of dirt spilling off both sides of the blade and falling over the top. Now that is Hoging Dirt. Or a
    Catapiller 637 with a full load, both engins full
    throatle. both acleraters on the floor, in 8th gear
    running wide open. Those were the days.
    Then I was a Tile and Marble Mechanic for 24 years.
    Union and Non Union. There were Big, Small and Great Jobs. Houses, Resturants, Hospitals, Motel and Hotels,Golf Coarses, Auto Dealerships. Florida,
    New York, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Ohio, Vermont I Think that is all the states.
    With experance in Union and Non Union parts of the Business World Non Union offers the worker a wider range of learning a trade or business mainly because the worker can do this or that with no interferance because of rules and restrictions put upon employer and employe because some jerk has a title of steward or Big Boss Man standing around with his thumb stuck up his Ass.


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