The People’s Party at $15,200 Per Head


With the amount of vacations to Martha’s Vinyard, innumerable golf outings and, most recently, the extraordinarily lavish vacation that Michelle “Antoinette” Obama (#mao) had in Spain, it has become abundantly clear that the ruling class of the Obama administration is far removed from the little people they purport to represent.

In sum, the President and his crew sold themselves to the American people as modern-day Robin Hoods—complete with the “steal from the rich” meme (and regardless if the rich earned their wealth)—only to set themselves apart from the people who elected them.

A case in point is last night’s “fundraiser” in which the President and his crew charged $15,200 per head ($30,400 per couple).  Among the attendees of the ruling class, acording to Politico were Labor Secretary Hilda Solis and Reps. Howard Berman, Brad Sherman*, Judy Chu and Laura Richardson.

“I hope you understand why we’re here tonight,” said Obama. “It’s not to take a picture with the president. We’re here to make sure those who took the tough votes are rewarded.”

Rewards indeed.

It is so good to know that “doing the People’s business” is so enriching. (#snark)

[* Congressman Brad Sherman, readers may recall, is the Democrat from California that wants to end Right-to-Work states.]


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