Which Side Will Rank-and-File Police Officers Choose? The U.S. or Their Union?


Recent financial events in Europe have been responded to by unions, students and the radical left with violent demonstrating in France, England, Greece, and Ireland.  All this is because the governments are cutting benefits and retirement ages.

As America faces the same financial issues will we have similar demonstrations in cities across our nation?

As Recent incidents suggests that may be the scenario here. Tightening state and municipal budgets, unfunded pensions and the potential for major layoffs can result in large demonstrations by government labor unions.

As police officers that have taken oaths to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the States they serve will their loyalties in maintaining order and keeping the peace be governed by their oaths or their loyalty to the labor union that represents them? Many police unions’ leaders have formed coalitions with other state and city labor unions. At local levels many contracts have a “me too” clause which maintains similar salary and benefits in all negotiated agreements.

As rank and file union members will those officers sympathetic to the protesters cause be willing to enforce the laws they were sworn to uphold. Will the look the other way, or respond slowly and less diligently than normal. These and other questions arise when emergency works may have a vested interest in the demands of demonstrators they are required to control to prevent violent acts against persons and property.

With the United States economy in decline and unsustainable deficits continue our politicians will be forced to make the tough decisions to turn the ship of state around.

Will the radical left along with its union allies be in the streets demanding more handouts from the government?

Be assured that the police will be the line of defense that will be needed to prevent the anarchy that we have witnessed in Europe.

With this in mind there is no doubt that the rank and file police officers in this country are honest hard working loyal Americans. For the most part their values are conservative they care about the people they serve and are respected members of their communities.  Many are former veterans that have served our country overseas. The question arises are their union leaders looking out for their members or for the power that they garnish from their association with the political system.

Members should be asking questions of their union leaders. Specifically where are my dues being spent, what percentage is spent on political contributions versus legal and contract negotiations expenses, why is the union endorsing (for the most part) liberal politicians. The same politicians who may make promises to the rank and file then look to second guess the officers actions when it is politically expedient. Why do the leaders constantly pit members against management and the officer’s supervisors?

The excuse used is the bosses are incompetent, political hacks, and are not looking out for the officer’s best interest.

No promotion system is perfect. Yes some supervisors may be all of the above but the majority are as concerned for those they supervise as the “caring” union leaders.

As police officers you have taken an oath to this country and that oath supersedes union contracts, work rules and other negotiated agreements.

Take the city of Newark New Jersey for example. It is firing 167 members as the union refuses give backs. This insanity has to stop. As the union’s leadership pines that they have to protect the rights of their members, they blame the city elected officials for the layoffs. How do they “take care” of the 167 members that have lost their jobs?

The clouds of financial discontent are forming. As a nation we need to have our first responders ready to protect those they serve and not the leaders of a union.

Additional Links:Greek Lawmakers Pass Austerity Plan – NYTimes.com Will Americans Follow French Example Of Mass Civil Unrest? The Trouble with Public Sector Unions > Publications > National Affairs http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2010/11/union_head_expects_167_newark.html


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