Obama treats job creation in the South as de facto unfair labor practice

Obama treats job creation in the South as de facto unfair labor practice
Mike DeVine | Hillbilly Politics
June 3, 2011

The creation of non-union Boeing jobs in South Carolina as the firing on Fort Sumter.

When Citadel cadets invited a War of Northern Aggression led by Abner Doubleday 150 years ago last April, they knew that the firing of canon balls at federal troops on a federal fort in Charleston Harbor was illegal in Lincoln’s eyes, if not their nascent Confederate nation’s. The First and Second battles of Bull Run followed all the way to Appomattox Court House.

But who would have thought, some 135 years after Reconstruction in the South ended, that the building of an airplane factory by a Northern firm in North Charleston would commence a third bull run around the basic American rights to liberty and happiness pursuits sans union shop mandates?

After all, wasn’t it a Supreme Court victory by the Palmetto State’s own Deering-Milliken that separated American labor law from the Reds in establishing that:

It is not an unfair labor practice for an employer to close his entire business, even if the closing is due to anti-union animus.

Closing part of a business is an unfair labor practice under § 8(a)(3) of the Act if the purpose is to discourage unionism in any of the employer’s remaining plants and if the employer may reasonably have foreseen such effect.

If those exercising control over a plant that is being closed for anti-union reasons have an interest in another business, whether or not affiliated with or in the same line of commerce as the closed plant, of sufficient substantiality to promise a benefit from non-unionization of that business, act to close their plant for that purpose, and have a relationship to the other business which makes it probable that its employees will fear closing down if organizational activities are continued, an unfair labor practice has been made out.

There has been no “retaliation” against any union employee Boeing has not closed its plant in Washington state. Not one employee has been punished due to labor union activity, that includes numerous strikes, over the past two decades. More union employees work for Boeing’s union shop plant in the Evergreen State today that worked there when the building of the plant in South Carolina was announced over two years ago.

There has been no retaliation, yet the IAM Union has partnered with Obama’s National Labor Relations Board to file a complaint against Boeing for statements made by them as they evaluated the economics of expanding business in Washington or another location.

Read the rest @ Hillbilly Politics.


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