IBEW Organizers Snatch Personal Data, Plan Invasive Visits To Washington State Electricians’ Homes


When a union announces that it will be visiting the homes of non-union workers, like the IBEW has here, it is clear that the union is pulling records through the state (in this case, the State of  Washington) in order to get personal addresses and other information.

IBEW Local 76 has set an ambitious goal for our Washington State Organizing Blitz scheduled on  August 15, 16 & 17. We will attempt to knock on the doors of every Licensed General Journeyman Electrician in Thurston, Mason and Lewis Counties, both union and non-unionDuring the Blitz we will be doing demographic surveys of these electricians to gather data that will assist the Local in future organizing efforts. This goal caught the attention of our International Officers and they decided to send a team from the IBEW Media Department to document our efforts.  [Emphasis added.]

While unions culling public records is not a new tactic, it is nevertheless bothersome for unions for states like Washington to be making the information of non-union workers so readily available to union organizers (or any other individual with potentially unsavory goals).

via IBEW 76.


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