There’s an old saying that goes something like this: ‘Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered.’
When you hear that unions are on the ropes these days, that’s a true statement.
However, it’s not because they’re losing elections.
In fact, when you look at the most recent election statistics, it appears that unions are doing quite well.
The National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) statistics regarding representation elections conducted under its supervision in 2013 show increases in both the number of employees being organized and the unions’ success rates in the elections being held….
With regard to organizing in particular industries, unions won representation elections more often than they lost in every industry except one. Unions won most of the elections in the finance, real estate and insurance industry (80 percent), construction industry (70.7 percent), health care services industry (66 percent), and transportation, communications and utilities industries (64.7 percent). The only industry where unions lost more often than they won in the first half of 2013 was the retail industry, with unions losing 55.8 percent of the elections they participated in.
The NLRB’s statistics also reveal significant geographic trends. For example, unions won every NLRB-conducted election in Arizona, Delaware, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Montana, Utah and the District of Columbia. Conversely, they lost every election held in Arkansas, Nebraska and South Dakota. The most elections took place in New York, California and Pennsylvania, and unions prevailed more often than they lost in each of those states.
Unions aren’t shrinking because they’re losing elections. No. They’re shrinking because their members are getting laid off.
The problem isn’t the salesman, its the product.
If the salesman is selling the product, but the product is failing to deliver, why should the government help them sell more bad product?