One would think that, after paying protesters to protest against the National Rifle Association, the nation’s most
SEIU’s Illinois Local 73, which has had prior exposure here, is raffling off a Remington 870 (pump action) shotgun to its members.
According to the union’s website, the proceeds will go to benefit Local 73’s Committee on Political Education (COPE).
It’s hard to fathom how the SEIU won’t be using its pro-Second Amendment members’ money in the raffle to pay for more anti-Second Amendment politicians but, in this day and age, anything’s possible.
Interestingly, this isn’t the SEIU’s first gun give-away.
Here’s the list of prizes from a previous SEIU gun raffle:
- 1st prize is a deer hunt at Hopkins Trophy Whitetail Ranch (a $3,495 value)
- 2nd prize is a Smith & Wesson MP-15 .223/5.56 ($1,000 value)
- 3rd prize is a Tenpoint Titan Extreme w/ Accudraw ($700 value)
- 4th prize is a Remington 700 w/ scope .30-06 ($425 value)
- 5th prize is a Remington 700 w/ scope .270 W ($425 value)
- 6th prize is a Remington 700 w/ scope .308 W ($425 value)
- 7th prize is an H&R Ultra Slug 12 ga. ($260 value)
- 8th prize is an H&R Ultra Slug 20 ga. ($260 value)