UFCW fat-cat family rolling in the dough from New Jersey members’ dues


Union Fat Cats
When unionistas decry the amount of money corporations pay their CEOs—despite the fact that the average CEO only makes $178,000—they often try to overlook the amount of money union bosses rake in from union members dues and fees.

Such is the case of United Food & Commercial Workers’ union boss John Niccollai who, according to Watchdog.org’s Jason Hart, raked in over one-half a million dollars last year.

Union boss John Niccollai took in $600,000 last year, and thousands of New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania workers helped pay him.Niccollai is president of United Food & Commercial Workers Local 464A, a New Jersey-based union representing nearly 16,000 workers in grocery stores and the food service industry.

In total, Niccollai was paid $600,339 last year — including his $573,299 UFCW 464A salary, other disbursements and money he received as a vice president of UFCW headquarters in Washington, D.C.

To make matters more interesting, Niccollai isn’t the only one in his family to make his income from UFCW members dues, according to Watchdog.

Niccollai’s father was a UFCW 464A officer for decades. Niccollai’s son, John Niccollai III, was paid $250,835 last year as UFCW 464A’s operations director.

As New Jersey is not a Right-to-Work state, workers who are under the UFCW local’s control are required to pay fees to the UFCW or be fired from their jobs.

“UFCW 464A took $445 per member from 10,603 part-time workers,” Watchdog’s Hart reported, “and $497 per member from 4,989 full-time workers last year, not including initiation fees.”

Data from UnionFacts.com reveals that, despite a steady decline of members, a number of UFCW 464 officers and agents were paid well over $100,000 in 2013.

UFCW Local 464 Salaries



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