The following is the Labor Union Report news recap from April 15, 2019. Unions included are the ATU, AFL-CIO, AFSCME, AFT, IBEW, Machinists, RWDSU, Steelworkers, Teamsters, and United Auto Workers, as well as, the National Labor Relations Board…
Amalgamated Transit Union
- Bus Drivers Union Assails MCTS Leaders
- Union official: More training might have prevented CTA Blue Line derailment
- AFL-CIO Employees Are Fighting Furloughs
- Unions urge Democrats to focus on kitchen table economics
- Who funded the ISO? An analysis of the financial basis of pseudo-left politics
- Winona, unions settle on wage increases
- New site tracks $1.5 billion in public union political spending over two decades
American Federation of Teachers
- $65 M. athletic facility breaks ground as union says it may be ‘forced to strike’ after Monday’s planned meeting
- Charter-mageddon: Lawmakers advance a raft of union-backed charter school curbs
- Labor Unions Must Lead a Just Transition from Fossil Fuels to Clean Energy
- HART board chair under federal investigation — but it’s not about the rail project
National Labor Relations Board
- Complaining About Customers in Work Restroom not Protected
- Labor Dept Suggests new Guidelines on Ventures standard
- Harley-Davidson announces results of union contract vote
- Klobuchar releases taxes at IAM convention, urges Trump to do same
Retail, Warehouse and Department Store Union
- Tyson workers in Camila to benefit from new poultry industry contract
- A look inside Amazon’s Staten Island fulfillment center, run with help from robots
- Rio Tinto Chairman publicly agrees to investigate
- IATSE Pension Plan Dips Closer To “Critical” Status Despite Record Employment
- Teamsters official: Rejection of YRC deal could close 3 of its units
United Auto Workers
- Workers Should Beware The UAW
- Campaign blames hedge funds for GM worker woes
- Union official pleads guilty in corruption probe