Dow Agrees To End Texas Lockout of Steelworkers…For Now

Members of the United Steelworkers on the picket line at a Dow chemical plant in Deer Park, TX during a lockout. Image via Facebook.

Having been locked out of their jobs since April, 235 Steelworkers will return to work on Monday. However, it may only be temporary.

After being locked out of their jobs for nearly two months, members of the United Steelworkers union will return to work at the Dow Chemical plant in Deer Park on Monday, June 10, according to a union press release.

“After a series of calls from the union to end the lockout, and displays of support for the work force from the community and public officials, the company agreed to end the lockout and put the 235 skilled union workers back on the job,” the union stated. “The workers will cease picketing and be back on the job by 6 a.m. Monday, June 10.”


Although the union and company still do not have a contract, they have agreed to resume negotiations.

However, if the cannot agree, either party can choose utilize their “economic weapons.”

Either the union can call a strike, or the company could lock out the workers again.



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