As she begins to emerge as her party’s front runner, Elizabeth Warren and her schemes are beginning to garner greater scrutiny.
This week, as her two older male competitors begin to fade—Biden for his son’s Ukrainian ties and Sanders for his failing health—Sen. Elizabeth Warren [D-MA] is beginning to move to the head of the pack the lead as her party’s front-runner.
As a result, the candidate who is known as much for her dishonesty and shrillness as she is for her liberal plans is taking some heat this week.
A Tale of Two Tales
On the campaign trail, Elizabeth Warren has been telling audiences that, as a one-time school teacher, she was once fired for being pregnant.
However, her tall tale is not holding up under scrutiny.
According to a report by the Washington Free Beacon:
“Minutes of an April 21, 1971, Riverdale Board of Education meeting obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show that the board voted unanimously on a motion to extend Warren a ‘2nd year’ contract for a two-days-per-week teaching job. That job is similar to the one she held the previous year, her first year of teaching. Minutes from a board meeting held two months later, on June 16, 1971, indicate that Warren’s resignation was ‘accepted with regret.'”
Anti-Lobbying Warren Goes Soft On Union Lobbyists.
Warren is also taking some heat for her apparent hypocrisy at exempting union lobbyists from her anti-lobbying tax, reports the Free Beacon.
Paul Miller, president of the National Institute for Lobbying and Ethics, criticized Warren’s selective lobbying tax as a “political gimmick” that punishes all lobbying activities except those that benefit the senator. He said her “very specific talk about corporate lobbyists” indicates that the same measures would not apply to ideological or labor lobbyists.
“It spells out things that corporate lobbyists would not be able to do, but it does not make the same points for labor lobbyists,” Miller, a registered lobbyist, told the Washington Free Beacon. “A lobbyist is a lobbyist. I don’t care if you represent corporate interests or labor issues. The law should apply to everybody.”
The Washington Free Beacon points out that unions spent nearly $50 million on lobbying and employed 399 lobbyists in 2018, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
Unions have given $626,211 to Warren over the course of her nine year career in public office—which may help explain Warren’s hypocrisy on the issue.
As Warren begins to take on more of a frontrunner status in her party, it is likely that she and her policy proposals will be scrutinized more heavily.