On Monday, Peter Robb, the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued ‘suggested’ guidelines for NLRB regions to resume conducting in-person, manual-ballot elections during the COVID crisis.
As the United States continues to deal with the ongoing COVID pandemic, the National Labor Relations Board—the agency that oversees labor relations in the private sector—has issued guidance to its regions on how best to conduct union representation elections.
On Monday, Peter Robb, the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations issued suggested guidelines to the NLRB regional offices throughout the country.
“After discussions with Regional Directors, the NLRB Division of Operations-Management, NLRB COVID-19 Task Force Members and our internal union, we are releasing the following suggested manual election protocols,” Robb states. “These suggested protocols were developed collaboratively in an effort to determine how best to conduct manual elections safely and efficiently in this unprecedented environment.”
Robb further emphasized that, while “Regional Directors have authority delegated by the Board to make initial decisions about when, how, and in what manner all elections are conducted,” the NLRB “has the ultimate authority to make decisions on when, how and in what manner elections are conducted, whether on review of Regional Director decisions or through other guidance or rules.”
Here are the NLRB’s suggested guidelines: