SEIU, Demanding Up To 40% In Wage Hikes, Threatens Johns Hopkins Hospital With A Strike


Baltimore night

Apparently, the Service Employees International Union does not realize that the “Affordable Care Act” (aka ObamaCare) is putting the squeeze on hospitals–the very employers the SEIU is trying to put the squeeze on.

Or, if the purple behemoth does realize it, the purple behemoth certainly isn’t managing its members’ expectations too well.

via The Baltimore Sun:

About 2,000 workers at Johns Hopkins Hospital have threatened to strike if the hospital does not agree to a wage increase of as much as 40 percent for some employees.

A union representing the hospital’s service and maintenance workers, including housekeepers and those who deliver food to patients, requested the increase because it said many of the workers rely on government assistance programs such as food stamps and Medicaid to support their families.


The union’s bargaining committee is seeking what it called a “fair wage” of at least $15 an hour. It said starting pay is as low as $10.71 an hour at Hopkins. Nearly half of caregivers at the country’s top hospital with more than 15 years experience make less than $15 an hour, the union said.

Ironically, it is the SEIU that was the union that took credit for ObabaCare’s passage, is ObamaCare’s biggest union defender–yet still doesn’t seem to understand that actions have consequences.

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