NYC Mayor De Blasio Quotes Che Guevara On SEIU Picket Line…In MIAMI


While quoting Communist murderer Che Guevara may work well for Bill de Blasio in New York, it is nothing short of tone deaf in Miami.

Imagine a candidate for President going to a rally at the Apollo Theater in Harlem and quoting Nathan Bedford Forrest.

That is akin to what New York Mayor Bill de Blasio did at a SEIU picket line at Miami International Airport on Thursday.


Hasta la victoria siempre!” de Blasio shouted, according to video taken by CBS Miami reporter Liz Roldan.

“That phrase, which translates to ‘Until victory, always!’ may sound nice,” according to Miami’s New Times, “but unfortunately it’s well known because Guevara was famous for using it during the 1959 Cuban Revolution.”

“The mayor might have gotten away with this in his home city, which is likely why he felt safe to utter the phrase,” the New Times notes. “But Miami, once again, isn’t New York — the Magic City is full of Cuban Republicans and refugees from the Castro regime who do not, in any way, shape, or form, tolerate glowing references to the communist government.”


The backlash was immediate, with one local politician on hand stating on Twitter:

“Neither @Annette_Taddeo nor I were present when @BilldeBlasio spoke, didn’t speak w him & only learn of this now. Quoting a murderer responsible for death & oppression in communist Cuba and throughout Latin America is not acceptable. Please apologize. Many on strike are Cuban btw”

Even Juan Cuba, the chairman of the Miami-Dade Democrats chastised de Blasio on Twitter, calling on him to apologize.

By late afternoon, de Blasio did, in fact, issue an apology, stating he did not know the origin of the phrase.

Florida’s Sen. Marco Rubio was not buying de Blasio’s claim, however, sarcastically tweeting on Thursday night:

“De Blasio studied Latin American politics in college,was a very active supporter of the Sandinistas in #Nicaragua & even honeymooned in #Cuba in violation of U.S. law.

But he had NO IDEA he was quoting Che Guevara today.

It was all just an incredible coincidence.”

Perhaps we will never know whether de Blasio knew or did not know the offensive origins of the rally cry.



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