Despite 3/4 of California’s 43,000 Child Care Providers NOT Voting, Union Wins ‘Overwhelmingly’


As further evidence of mail-ballot elections resulting in the suppression of election participation, 43,000 California’s Child Care Providers are now unionized despite three-fourths of them not voting.

In what has been dubbed “nation’s largest union organizing victory in many years,” last week the California Public Employee Relations Board declared that 43,000 are now unionized by the “Child Care Providers United” (CCPU)—a joint effort of AFSCME and the SEIU.


“About 10,000 family child care providers sent in ballots, with 97% of providers voting for the union,” reported “The group already existed as a membership organization, but was not recognized as a union until now. It was started by two other unions, Service Employees International Union and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.”

Although the CCPU will now represent 43,000 child care providers, it will do so with less than a quarter of the providers actually voting to unionize.

Moreover, since California does not have a so-called Right-to-Work law, CCPU will eventually be able to collect union dues or agency fees from all 43,000 child care providers—despite the fact that 33,000 never actually voted to unionize.

If the unions collect $30 every month from each provider, the CCPU and its parent unions will collect nearly $1.3 million monthly and over $15.4 million annually from California’s child care providers.


California spends about $2 billion a year on childcare, and the unionization is expected to increase labor costs, noted the Sacramento Bee.



  1. If I’m not mistaken, this is a manifestation of that totally corrupt unionizing device the SEIU proposed attaching to every ‘caregiver’ associated with receipt of public benefits for the care of a family member. I do believe the scheme was defeated in court as it applies to the care of aged/ill adult family members i.e. whoever provides the care and receives the benefit, usually a family member, was required to pay the SEIU monthly union dues. This was an attempt to legalize racketeering. It looks like they now have the next best thing – child care. These unions i.e. the SEIU, never lose these elections: they count everyone who doesn’t vote as a vote in their favor. A majority of those voting means nothing.


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