A union that organizes and represents migrant farmworkers has been accused of violating its own employees’ rights.
A union known for boycotting pickles and e-cigarettes has been accused of violating its own workers’ rights.
The Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC), an affiliate of the AFL-CIO, has been accused of committing unfair labor practices by one or more of its own employees, according to a charge on the National Labor Relations Board’s website.
According to the charge, which was filed in the NLRB’s Atlanta region, the union is accused of violating Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act, which primarily deals with interfering with employees’ rights.
While agricultural workers are excluded from coverage of the National Labor Relations Act, the union itself—which is known for organizing farmworkers and charging its members 2.5% of their base wages—is an employer that employs people to carry out its mission of organizing farmworkers.
In fact, according to filings with the Department of Labor, FLOC listed ten employees in 2020—nine of whom were union organizers
Although specifics of the charge are not known at this time, given that the charge lists the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) as the “employer,” it infers that at least one or more of FLOCs employees are accusing the union of violating their rights.
- The Mt. Olive Pickle Boycott: Misidentifying the Enemy
- Pickle Boycott Ends as Farmworkers Join Union
- Boycott of Reynolds VUSE E-Cigarettes – NFWM