
New York Wage Board Proposes Phased-In Increases For Fast Food Workers

How this will affect other industries as they compete for labor will have to be determined by the market. However, for now, it appears...

A Neutral Agency? NLRB Posts Job For Union Attorney in Washington

In the strange world of private-sector labor relations, people are often amused by the fact that the presumably-"neutral" agency that governs relations between employers...

Despite Rank-And-File Rebellion, Union Leaders Open Themselves To Hillary’s Charms

Just how far Hillary Clinton has to go to ensure her top spot on the Democratic Party's presidential ticket will largely be determined this...

NLRB Backs Off Assault On Right-To-Work Laws…For Now

In a move that will surely disappoint unions, the National Labor Relations Board has announced that it is suspending its request for briefs on...

Poll: What Do You Think About Increasing The Minimum Wage?

Across America, there is a loud debate going on about increasing the minimum wage. In certain municipalities, at the behest of unions, politicians have...


