
St. Thomas’ Part-Time Professors Overwhelmingly Reject SEIU

This summer isnt turning out to be so hot for the nation's most liberal union. First, in late June, the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in...

All Good Things Must Come To An End: The Teamsters Are Targeting Uber Drivers

People tired of dealing with rude, obnoxious cabbies or overly expensive car services, Uber has become a popular and growing alternative. Of course, all good...

Why Do Unions Need Help Organizing? Their Win Rates Are Pretty High Already.

There's an old saying that goes something like this: 'Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered.' When you hear that unions are on the ropes these...

New Labor Management Standards? Union Bosses Get Another Radical Ally Into A Position of Power

New agency director wrote "the bible" on union organizing, believes unions should be permitted to bribe workers for their votes Union bosses got another ally...

OMG! United Auto Workers Outsources Organizing To College Students

The United Auto Workers is desperately trying to unionize U.S. workers employed at auto assembly plants owned by BMW, Mercedes, Nissan and VW. After years...


