
WATCH: In Scripted Town Hall, Biden Makes Big Promises To Big Labor

In a what appears to be a highly-scripted, teleprompter-prompted Labor Day sales pitch to the AFL-CIO's Richard Trumka and hand-selected union members from around...

The Sanders-Biden 110-page “Unity” Blueprint Calls For Blacklisting, Card-Check, Elimination Of Right-To-Work And So Much More…

"The goals of the task force were to move the Biden campaign into as progressive a direction as possible, and I think we did...

U.S. House Passes Economy-Killing ‘PRO Act’ To Trap Workers Into Unions

On Thursday night, after hours of debate, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed the "PRO Act," a bill to benefit unions and drastically alter...

Democrats Urged To Remove Virginia’s Right-To-Work Law, Force Union Fees

Now that Virginia has turned solidly blue, pro-union Democrats are wasting no time calling for forced union fees. Last Tuesday, for the first time in...

Biden’s On Board With Plan To Force Workers Into Unions, Blacklist Anti-Union Employers

Despite his questionable record on unions, Joe Biden backs Democrats' plan to strip workers of right to secret ballot elections, forcing them into union...


