
Elizabeth Warren Takes Heat On Pregnancy Firing ‘Lie’ & Anti-Lobbying Plan

As she begins to emerge as her party's front runner, Elizabeth Warren and her schemes are beginning to garner greater scrutiny. This week, as her...

Joe Biden: I Walked A Picket Line [At A Strike That NEVER Happened]

Aspiring presidential candidate Joe "Corn Pop" Biden has been telling a lot of tall tales. Here's his latest... Democrat presidential primary candidate Joe Biden has...

Trump Blasts AFL-CIO’s Trumka’s Letting NAFTA Stand…”No wonder unions are losing so much.”

On Labor Day, President Trump took to Twitter to blast the AFL-CIO's Richard Trumka following the labor leader's remarks on Trump's NAFTA replacement. On Sunday,...

Sanders Plans ‘Wage Boards’ To ’Set Wages, Benefits And Hours Across Entire Industries’

If he becomes President, Socialist Bernie Sanders wants to establish 'wage boards' to 'set wages, benefits and hours across entire industries' in order to...

Corey Booker’s Campaign Manager “Thrilled” Campaign Staff Unionized

Corey Booker's campaign staff has unionized with the Teamsters union and Booker's campaign manager is "thrilled." The national presidential campaign staff of Sen. Cory Booker...


