
ULP Charge Against Sanders’ Campaign Details Classic ‘Union-Busting’ Allegations

A closer look at the multi-count unfair labor practice (ULP) charge filed against Bernie Sanders' campaign on Monday exposes serious potential violations of the...

EXCLUSIVE: Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Faces Charges Of Unfair Labor Practices

Federal charges for multiple labor law violations were filed against Bernie Sanders' campaign with the National Labor Relations Board on Monday. As was noted here...

Is Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Violating Workplace Laws?

A Washington Post article last week exposed three areas where the Bernie Sanders campaign *may* be violating workplace laws. Since then, Sanders himself exposed...

WATCH: Sanders’ Campaign Responds To $15 Hour Criticism By Cutting Hours

Bernie Sanders just proved employers' long-argued point about higher wages: If you raise wages too high, people will lose hours or jobs. Watch the latest...

Staffers Claim: Bernie Sanders Pays LESS Than $15 and NO OVERTIME!

Perhaps it's time for Bernie Sanders to put his money where his mouth is and pay his staffers a "living wage"---and the overtime they...


