
With No End In Sight, Steelworkers’ Strike Against Asarco Nears Six-Months’ Mark

As a strike that began in October approaches six months, there appears to be no end in sight for hundreds of Steelworkers. A United Steelworkers'...

WATCH: UAW Will Keep GM Strikers Out As Workers Vote on “Sellout” Deal

Three out of the four of the contested GM plants---including Lordstown, OH---will remain closed. As a tentative contract has been reached in the United Auto...

UAW Strikers Eligible To $2.5 Million Per Day Today, But Won’t See the Money Until Next Week

The strike against General Motors is about to get very expensive for the UAW---but workers won't collect money until next week. With 49,000 out on...

Here’s why a UAW local leader, other strikers were arrested at a GM picket line

UAW picketers, including a local union president, were arrested at the picket lines in Spring Hill, Tennessee for trying to block a car hauler. SPRING...

General Motors May Be Ready For An 11-Week Strike by the UAW

For months, GM and its dealers have been preparing for a UAW strike. How long can they go without UAW members working? While both the...


