Union Free Radio

Union Free Radio, Ep. 6: Unions Need Amazon More Than Amazon Workers Need A Union

As unions like the Teamsters continue to target Amazon, it has become increasingly clear that Unions Need Amazon More Than Amazon Workers Need A Union.

Union Free Radio, Ep. 5: Here’s A Simple, Six-Step Recipe For Staying Union Free

The Biden Administration's focus on helping unions organize employers has many HR professionals and small business owners looking for tips on remaining union free....

Union Free Radio, Ep. 4: Here’s Everything You Need To Know About The PRO Act’s ‘ABC Test’ & Why Millions Are Worried

With California's passage of AB5, union-backed politicians took aim at companies like Uber and Lyft--and missed...Now, though, the 57 million Americans who make up...

Union Free Radio, Ep. 3: What employees don’t know about unions might hurt them

"Unless they work for a really crappy employer," List states, "if employees know the truth about unions, their history and how they work, as well as the rights they already have, most will decide they don’t want a union."

Union Free Radio, Ep. 2: Sorry, Joe, Unions Did NOT Build The Middle Class

"The bad part about blindly accepting a myth like this is that it gives unions a free pass in order to push bad bills, like the poisonous PRO Act."


